Take Effective Meeting Minutes

March 2023


2 min read

Take Effective Meeting Minutes

Imagine you have a morning meeting where you’re responsible for taking meeting notes and sending out the minutes to all the attendees. You want to send the minutes right after the meeting, but you’re occupied by many urgent tasks that require your attention until you find some time at the end of the day.

What do you do?

You just rely on half-baked notes, a less-than-reliable memory of the meeting, and/or audio-visual records if you’ve recorded them. Yet, the problem of sliding back and forth between the recordings just to find the key agenda items, related discussions, and other action items is much more tedious than one might imagine.

Yet you cannot ignore minuting because of the important role it plays in keeping records and documentary evidence, measuring the progress of the tasks, and keeping people accountable for the tasks at hand.

And this is where Reduct, a collaborative transcript-based video platform, comes in.

A New Approach to Taking Minutes with Reduct

With Reduct, you can search, review, highlight, and edit your video recordings as and when you want. Your job of preparing meeting minutes and using them for any specific purpose is much easier, more efficient, and smoother than ever before.

Live Capture

Reduct has a special tool called Live Capture that transcribes spoken content in real-time so that you never miss any important discussion during a meeting. You can use this live capture and the subsequent transcript to search, review, highlight, and edit specific parts of the video using text. You can even highlight a text, create reels including similar notes on the basis of importance, and create structured meeting minutes.


Search, Highlight, Tag and Collaborate

Moreover, with the ‘keyword search’ feature, it is easy to find the key agenda items, possible discussions, and action points from the auto-generated transcripts of the meeting.


You can even invite people into the project for collaboration at Reduct. It is just as simple as inviting people to collaborate in Google Docs.Tagging the highlights, commenting, and mentioning the responsible people along with deadlines is more efficient than assigning in any doc file.


These features set a new approach to taking minutes with Reduct.

Simplify your note-taking journey

Minutes are not just records but also documentary evidence of your company's progress and key decisions affecting it. With Reduct, you can not only find the specific decisions but also the sources and rationales behind those decisions with ease. This means that, with Reduct, you can use minutes to measure and learn from your past as effectively as keeping records.

So whether you just want to keep effective records or use minutes as a tool to enhance your company’s decision-making, Reduct might just be the tool you need in today’s day and age. Want to find out more?

Reduct removes the pain of working with video.