The Office of the Colorado State Public Defender Conquer Evidence Overload With AI Transcription Of Video Discovery Footage


Over a thousand staff at the Office of the Colorado State Public Defender rely on Reduct to transcribe bodycam footage and police interviews, and prepare captioned exhibits for trial.

The Challenge

According to a national study supported by the American Bar Association, Colorado currently employs fewer than a third of the public defenders needed to meet workload standards for criminal defense.
Rise in audio visual evidence

The increasing demand for attorneys comes from the substantial rise in the amount of evidence they need to review, such as police dash cam and body camera footage.

Traditional solutions fail

Manually reviewing all footage is impossible due to time constraints. Certified transcripts are too expensive and slow, creating a backlog and burdening defense staff.

The Colorado State Public Defender needed a solution - one that provides extremely high standards of privacy and security, given the nature of the content in question.

Reduct.Video Implementation & Impact

After an initial pilot, COPD rolled out Reduct to all of its offices, and has over a thousand staff on the platform.

Centralized transcription

Transcription is now centralized across the state, and available on-demand via a modern interface that supports almost any audio and video format.

Saved time

Reduct's AI transcription generates accurate transcripts within minutes, allowing attorneys to quickly search for critical evidence.

Better case outcomes

Reduct enables the creation of video exhibits with synchronized captions, which are highly effective in court and strengthen case presentations.

Reduced workload

The State Office leadership managed to reduce the workload of their staff through a timely investment in technology.

The COPD office, with over 1000 staff, uses Reduct on a daily basis to simplify and speed up the process of reviewing all audio and video evidence.

Reduct.Video: Key Features for COPD


Rapid and reliable AI transcription for body-cam, jail calls, dash cams and more

With Reduct, staff across the state's public defender offices get access to accurate AI transcriptions, within minutes of uploading their evidence.

In addition to uploading files on their hard drives, public defenders in Colorado can also import evidence directly from their cloud storage.

Reduct can transcribe footage in over 90 languages- including Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog and Arabic.

We also automatically detect periods without speech and don’t charge for them.


Next-day human-reviewed transcription, for 99% accuracy

Even the best AI struggles with accuracy when it comes to the kind of footage the defenders upload - body worn camera footage, dashcam video, recorded calls and interviews - especially when there’s audio with colloquial speech, slang, and background noise.

An attorney or their paralegal can either correct the AI transcripts themselves or send such difficult-but-high-stakes recordings for human transcription with just a click, which arrives the next day.

Approximately one in fifteen hours of material uploaded by the Office of the Colorado State Public Defender is sent to our team of expert human transcribers, who make crucial corrections to the transcript and speaker labels.


Search to pinpoint key evidence from extensive footage

Reduct makes audio and video evidence searchable.

You can search for a specific keyword, or if you remember the general gist of what was said, Reduct’s fuzzy search will take you right to the relevant section, even if the exact word isn’t spoken.


Combine multiple clips into compelling video exhibits

Reduct's rapid AI transcripts are great for evidence review, but their value goes through the roof when they are used to rapidly pull clips together to create reels for trial.

Audio and video clips extracted from the transcript using the text-based interface are admissible as evidence in most contexts, even in scenarios where the uncertified transcript alone might not be.


Support for multilingual cases with 90+ languages

Colorado, like many states in the US, has significant communities where English is not the first language. Given this, the State Office of the Public Defender routinely receives bodyworn camera footage or recorded phone calls in different languages, most often in Spanish.

Reduct supports transcription in over 90 languages, as well as offering the ability to create exhibits with translated captions.

This means that even a lawyer who doesn’t speak Spanish can rapidly hone in on the right section of footage, and create exhibits including Spanish-language audio.


Export formatted transcripts and captioned video

Reduct supports the export of audio, video, and transcripts in a variety of formats.

The attorneys copy and paste transcripts straight into their motions, or print them out for cross and impeachment. These transcripts can be exported in Word, CSV, PDF and ASCII text format with or without timestamps, depending on the usecase.

They’ll also export video/audio exhibits with burned-in captions to a file format they are comfortable with to avoid unpleasant tech glitches during playback in court.


Analyze incidents with synced multi-cam view

This is a recently added workflow in Reduct where multi-cam footage is synced to a single timeline.

Using this new interface, public defense attorneys can see the same incident from different angles, captured in body worn camera and dashcam footage of different officers at the scene.

This kind of analysis enables an attorney to get a complete picture of what really happened and find critical evidence to present in court.


Protect defendants confidentiality with strong access controls

All throughout this process, the COPD team ​doesn’t need to worry about the sensitive ​data they’re uploading to Reduct.

Reduct’s cloud based platform is built with ​privacy-by-default principles.

Our granular access control allows COPD ​administrators to collaborate on projects ​while having full visibility of who has access ​to what.

Your first case is on us

Reduct can have a transformational impact on the operations of a public defender’s office - whether a thousand-person organization such as the office in Colorado, or a smaller team in a local jurisdiction.

We want to reduce any barriers for other public defence offices to feel this in their own work, so we’re offering a “first case free” trial for any public defenders that wants to try the platform, with no commitment.

And yes, it’s fine if that first case is a complex murder case with a hundred hours of footage - you’re welcome to bring that to us.

After that, we can charge you by the minute. That’s by the minute of active video, by the way – not just uploaded video. So if an officer is driving around, and all you have is dashcam of silence, we won’t charge you for that. Logo

By leveraging Artificial Intelligence to alleviate the painpoint of too-much evidence and not-enough people hours, Reduct lets defense lawyers focus their energies on defending the public.

Contact us at to discuss your needs.