How Modern Sales Pros Breathes New Life into Virtual Events

Heather Lohmann

December 2020


2 min read

How Modern Sales Pros Breathes New Life into Virtual Events

Up until this year, Modern Sales Pros was primarily an in-person events company, offering their 20,000 members copious opportunities all around the country to physically gather, learn, dine, and network together.

But in March of 2020, everything changed.

The threat of Covid moved the entire world online, and those whose work revolved around in-person events such as Modern Sales Pros had to find new, creative ways of engaging their audiences (an exclusive virtual wine tasting with a professional sommelier, for instance).

One big appeal of in-person events that doesn’t translate online is their scarcity. But in the digital realm, anyone from anywhere can log on and tune in, and that accessibility is what makes virtual events so attractive. This shift required a strategic pivot, and begged the question of how to best appeal to the community, now reaching further than ever, in an online-only environment.

The answer, Modern Sales Pros realized, lay in creating short video snippets — or, as we here at Reduct call them, highlight reels — of their events content to distribute on social media, YouTube, and other prominent digital channels. This delivered a two-for-one punch for the team:

  • (ICYMI) Deliver session cliff notes and key takeaways: Highlight reels help marketers and other community organizers get straight to the point in their follow-ups, ultimately offering options for MSP’s existing audience whether they were able to attend or not — explore the key takeaways in just a few minutes, or dig in deeper on a particular topic with a thematic roundup reel.

  • Reach a wider audience = grow the community: More event content distributed across more channels — with more reach — means, well, more potential audience members! By posting video snippets on LinkedIn or Instagram, featuring highlight reels on YouTube, and including key moments in emails, you can extend the event beyond your usual suspects, attracting and engaging new fans from around the world without the specific time constraints that come with in-person events.

Suddenly, events content had gone from being exclusive to universally accessible, opening up a multitude of opportunities for Modern Sales Pros to reach and engage with their audiences no matter where they were, at any time.

The value for Modern Sales Pros’ community members lies in their ability to find answers to their most pressing career questions, from others who’ve been in their shoes before. Moving that experience online has been far from impossible — the trick is simply to meet the audience on the digital channels they frequent, and supply the content in formats that make sense for them to consume.

“If you can’t make the event and you just want to know the best can watch a highlight reel of the key points of the event...Being able to edit those videos and put them into more bite-sized chunks...allows us to meet our community members a little bit more where they are.”

Reduct.Video partnered with Modern Sales Pro to help the team easily create highlight reels that could be distributed far and wide to meet the community wherever they were.

While the team lives and breathes sales content and community events, they by no means consider themselves video editing experts — and with Reduct’s transcription and web-based video editing platform, they don’t need to be.

Pre-Reduct, the team would often spend hours reviewing recorded events content to identify key moments worth sharing, then stitch them together in iMovie. But now, Modern Sales Pros can leverage virtual event content in diverse and powerful ways, reaching new audiences by searching through content and distributing video highlight reels across a wider variety of digital channels.

Interested in learning about how Reduct can help you do more with your virtual event content to inspire more engagement and grow your audience? Get in touch with our team, or get up and running on your own with a free trial!

Reduct removes the pain of working with video.